

New expert publication in the field of bioeconomy!

The Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS presents the new report “BioGoLocal – Implementing a circular bioeconomy at the local level”. The publication was prepared by experts from the PRO CIVIS Foundation and the Norwegian company Ressurs og Miljø AS from Oslo. The report also includes analyzes by Professors of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Institute of Wood Sciences and Furniture) and the University of Economics in Krakow (Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation).

The report addresses the issue of creating, developing and operating local circular bioeconomies. The authors present subjective and functional conditions, which should ultimately exist within a given territorial structure that wants to shape its economic, environmental and social development based on the concept of circular bioeconomy. The reference point for the analyzes is the Norwegian bioeconomy and good practices in the field of regional and local cooperation, leading to creating added value. The report also presents two territorial case studies, i.e. Starachowice and Sandomierz counties. The potential for bioeconomic development is presented in articles on forest and wood bioeconomy (Starachowice poviat) and agri-food bioeconomy (Sandomierz poviat).

Among the monographic articles available in the publication, the studies devoted to the bioeconomy in strategic documents of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and to the environmental and climatic conditions of the Starachowice and Sandomierz counties are worth highlighting. The report concludes with two articles devoted to bioeconomic entrepreneurship, which is a key element of local and regional development – an original study on “a hub as a structural response to the multi-sectoral nature of the bioeconomy” and a detailed analysis of the motivation of entrepreneurs undertaking business activities in bioeconomy sectors.

As emphasized by the CEO of the PRO CIVIS Foundation, Mr. Tadeusz Pęczek: “The prepared report is a concrete contribution to the pragmatic implementation in Poland of the bioeconomic assumptions of the European Green Deal. We are convinced that it will make it easier for Polish regions, counties and municipalities to take advantage of the development opportunities offered by locally available biomass resources.”

The report has been prepared within the project “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”, financed by the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 (Call: ” BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION BETWEEN POLAND AND NORWAY). The project was implemented by the consortium of the  PRO CIVIS Foundation and Ressurs og Miljø AS from Oslo.

Raport BioGoLocal

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Conference “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”

Over 250 enthusiasts of green economic and social transformation took part on May 15th, 2024 in the final conference of the Polish-Norwegian project “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”.

The participants included local government officials, academics, representatives of agricultural advisory centers, state forest directorates and regional environmental protection directorates, experts from business support institutions, entrepreneurs, social activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations.

The leading topics of lectures, presentations and discussion panels included:
✔ the development of territorial structures using the circular bioeconomy,
✔ optimizing the economic use of biomass,
✔ support for regional and local bioeconomy initiatives under national and European financial programs.

Good Norwegian practices were also presented in areas such as proper identification of biological resources, support for strategic and planning initiatives, and creation of proper conditions for innovative activities.

Both the conference and the entire Project constituted a concrete and valuable contribution to the pragmatic implementation in Poland of the bioeconomic assumptions of the European Green Deal.

The conference was a substantive summary of the project “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”, financed by the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 (Call: ” BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION BETWEEN POLAND AND NORWAY). The project was implemented by the consortium of the Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS and Ressurs og Miljø AS from Oslo.

Conference presentation, photo gallery and BioGoLocal report available below:

Conference presentation

Photo gallery

Raport BioGoLocal


Conference recordings available on YouTube:




Conference “Implementing the Circular Bioeconomy at the Local Level”

The PRO CIVIS Foundation invites to the Polish-Norwegian conference “Implementing the Circular Bioeconomy at the Local Level”, which will be held on May 15, 2024 at the Regional Science and Technology Center (RCNT) in Podzamcze Chęcińskie, near Kielce.

The aim of the Conference is to prepare regional and local authorities for new challenges related to the bioeconomy and optimization of the economic use of biomass as one of the most important natural resources. The conference will present the most important achievements of the Polish-Norwegian BioGoLocal project, implemented by the consortium of the PRO CIVIS Foundation from Kielce and Ressurs & Miljø AS from Oslo. Conference participants will get especially the information about:

  • subjective and functional conditions that should ultimately exist within a given region, county, commune – which want to shape their economic, environmental and social development based on the concept of circular bioeconomy;
  • good Norwegian practices in the implementation and development of regional and local circular bioeconomies, including issues such as proper identification of biological resources, support for strategic initiatives and planning, as well as creating foundations and conditions for innovative activities;
  • strategic plans related to the circular bioeconomy, including the Poland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan and other national and regional programs.

The conference will be conducted in a hybrid system, through the personal participation of participants at RCNT facilities.

All conference participants present in person will receive an expert report developed as part of the project, entitled: “BioGoLocal – implementation of the Circular Bioeconomy at the local level”, as well as a monograph published by the PRO CIVIS Foundation and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, entitled: “Fertilizers from waste as a source of nutrients for fertilizing crops. Agricultural use of waste and by-products as a link in the circular economy.” People participating online will receive the report in PDF form, leaflet on composting also in PDF form and the monograph on fertilizers will be sent by post until stocks last, in the order of conference registrations.

The full Conference Program

Registration for people planning to participate at the Conference:
Registration form

The project „BioGoLocal – Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).



The BioGoLocal study trip to Norway

Innlandet fylkeskommune (incl. Inlandets Teknikpark) – county strongly focusing on bioeconomy and circularity. Kongsvinger kommune, marketing itself as “the green heart of Norway”. Våler kommune – the center for Circular Soloer “Sirkulær Solør”. Elverum kommune being the capital of Norwegian forestry. Ringsaker kommune – the residence of Norwegian Wood Cluster. Hurdal kommune with their eco-village.

All the aforementioned organizations, structures and sites important for the Norwegian local and regional bioeconomy have been visited within the scope of BioGoLocal project by politicians, administration officers and representatives of businesses from Starachowicki and Sandomierski Counties. These were very valuable lessons for the Polish visitors.

It will about time to put all the observations, lessons learned and worked out concepts to the paper. The report “Implementing Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” coming out this spring.

The project “BioGoLocal – implementation of circular bioeconomy at the local level” is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021.



BioGoLocal Workshops

  • What is a model way for local authorities, entrepreneurs and representatives of civil society to cooperate for the development of local bioeconomy hubs?
  • How to maximize benefits for local and regional communities through activities developing the bioeconomy?
  • Can/should local authorities and administration influence the level of innovation in local bioeconomies?
  • Who should be responsible for mapping local needs in terms of education and skills necessary for the green transformation?
  • How to network local and regional initiatives of a strategic, programmatic, political and administrative nature – with the aim of creating new enterprises operating in the sectors of key importance to the European Green Deal?

Participants of the Polish-Norwegian BioGoLocal workshops from the counties of Starachowice (forest-wood bioeconomy) and Sandomierz (agricultural-food bioeconomy) worked on such and thematically similar issues on November 20-23, 2023.

The working tools included: SWOT analysis and elements of creation using Design Thinking. Theoretical support was provided by Professors of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the University of Economics in Krakow, as well as experts – Polish and Norwegian practitioners. We would like to thank all participants for their active attitude and substantive discussions. The final results of the workshop work, supported by theoretical foundations, will soon be presented as part of the publication – the report “Implementing Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level”.

The next stage of the BioGoLocal project will be a study trip of representatives of local government authorities and entrepreneurs to Norway (January 2024). We also invite you to the Polish-Norwegian final conference of BioGoLocal (May 2024)!

The project „BioGoLocal – Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).



Bio went finally Local!

On October 10-13, 2023, in Starachowice and Sandomierz counties, Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS, jointly with Ressurs & Miljø AS from Oslo conducted series of training sessions devoted to the development chances offered by the circular bioeconomy. Polish and Norwegian experts and practitioners shared their knowledge and experiences.

We would like to thank everyone for their active participation and substantive discussions on  circular bioeconomy, the European Green Deal and the effective development of Polish municipalities and counties based on the sectors and systems utilizing the renewable biological resources.

BioGoLocal interactive workshops coming to Starachowice and Sandomierz this November.

More at: BioGoLocal

The project „BioGoLocal – Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).




We already know the detailed programs for training sessions and initial programs for workshops within the project „BioGoLocal – Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” (October, November 2023) have just been announced!

Polish and Norwegian experts – practisioners and profesors representing renowned univerities present the essence of the bioeconomy and the development chances offered to counties and communes interested in maximizing the positive effects from the bio economical potential. We offer both practical and theoretical sessions.

Public entities, enterpreneurs, business support organizations and representatives of the civil society are welcome to get to know our educational offer.

The programs for the Starachowicki County could be found HERE

The programs for the Sandomierski County could be found HERE

Applications for participation in BioGoLocal training and workshops can be made using the application form:

Registration for online training in Sandomierz

Registration for online training in Starachowice

There is only a limited number of available places! (possibility to participate online by ZOOM)

The project „BioGoLocal – Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).




“Implementing Circular Bioeconomy in Practice at Local Level” is the new project the PRO CIVIS Foundation will execute jointly with the Ressurs & Miljø AS (Oslo, Norway) between June 2023 and May 2024.

The project activities are addressed to the local and regional authorities from the Świętokrzyskie Region, Poland. Norwegian and Polish experts will present the already existing good cases and jointly – with the local societies – work out the concepts for making bioeconomy successfully work at local levels.

The focus of the project activities will be placed on the needed linkages between policy initiatives on local level and the establishment of new SMEs making business from bioeconomy, especially in the sectors of:

  • renewable energy
  • thermal biomass
  • biorefinery processes (bio char, biogas)
  • and wood products.

The developed concepts will constitute the process innovation – meaning the model for the implementation of new cooperation method leading to local benefits from the bioeconomy operations.

The project is financed by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (“BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION”).