

Conference “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”

Over 250 enthusiasts of green economic and social transformation took part on May 15th, 2024 in the final conference of the Polish-Norwegian project “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”.

The participants included local government officials, academics, representatives of agricultural advisory centers, state forest directorates and regional environmental protection directorates, experts from business support institutions, entrepreneurs, social activists and representatives of non-governmental organizations.

The leading topics of lectures, presentations and discussion panels included:
✔ the development of territorial structures using the circular bioeconomy,
✔ optimizing the economic use of biomass,
✔ support for regional and local bioeconomy initiatives under national and European financial programs.

Good Norwegian practices were also presented in areas such as proper identification of biological resources, support for strategic and planning initiatives, and creation of proper conditions for innovative activities.

Both the conference and the entire Project constituted a concrete and valuable contribution to the pragmatic implementation in Poland of the bioeconomic assumptions of the European Green Deal.

The conference was a substantive summary of the project “BioGoLocal – implementation of the circular bioeconomy at the local level”, financed by the Fund for Bilateral Cooperation of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 (Call: ” BILATERAL INITIATIVES IN THE AREA OF GREEN TRANSITION BETWEEN POLAND AND NORWAY). The project was implemented by the consortium of the Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS and Ressurs og Miljø AS from Oslo.

Conference presentation, photo gallery and BioGoLocal report available below:

Conference presentation

Photo gallery

Raport BioGoLocal


Conference recordings available on YouTube: